Friday, January 11, 2013

Tension - a new story

Tension presents itself in the following manner (and this is by no means a complete list):
a big knot in your neck
upset stomach
back pain
carpal tunnel
road rage
criticizing mercilessly because you can
judging self-righteously because you can

So what is tension? Tension is your Light unexpressed. It is you holding back your light. Sometimes we hold it back deliberately so we can "explode" in a way that is pleasurable (i.e.: christmas morning, orgasm, etc...). Other times we lock it down unconsciously for reasons that are, well, unconscious. We don't even know we are doing it. The reasons  may be from childhood conditioning and all that other stuff, or something else, but it doesn't matter because we aren't aware them and how they are acting on us anyway! This is where tension becomes our friend...

Tension. We start to feel it. We ignore it. We wish it would go away. Just like a pesky child who keeps trying to get your attention. We tell the child to go away. How has that worked out? Not so well, right? The kid is relentless, eventually pulling out all the stops until you MUST pay attention to it.

Tension. The relentless child.

So how is this child our friend? Because that child is you. That child is you trying to express itself. The tension is the child trying to get your a-tension. The child is on your side and wants to remind you of the light that you are. So it pokes you, reminding you to shine. And if you keep locking it down, the knot gets worse. That's why massage and chiropractic and acupuncture are temporary fixes. Because without awareness of why you are tense, they will most likely come back.

So when we feel that glimmer of tension, find a release valve. It can be as simple as letting the light "drain" or "shine" out your fingertips (in the case of neck or shoulder pain). Letting it drain out your feet in the case of back or leg discomfort. It can be asking yourself "where am i not shining right now?" or "what needs to shine right now" or "how am i not being true to myself?" then observe whether or not we are willing to shine. If not, at least it's a conscious choice, which is a first step towards changing the choice.

And keep in mind that in the brightest of lights (you), there is the darkest of darks (also you), which is why our unconscious releases can be so ugly and destructive. All that creative energy, we can also use to destroy. Not that there's anything wrong with that btw. No judgments.

Tension is there to help us find out who we really are, what we really need, and what we really need to do, how we need to act and be. And not from a societal "should" place. From a place of Soul.

As I heard from Rod Stryker, "Ouch! Thank you..."

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