Monday, December 29, 2014

Do you hear what I hear?

Just wanted to bring in a holiday song since I've been virtually offline all month! 😜

But it is about listening, and to me, listening is truly hearing what is around and within you. All those voices inside and out? We don't need to tune them out. We just need to hear them all. And listen. 

Listen to your heart. Listen to your body. Listen to your mind. Listen to your ego. Then have your big S self make the decision on the action. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Under the tree

UDid you wake up and find loads of presents under the tree? Yes? Awesome! No? Also awesome. Why? Because after the gifts under the tree are opened, they will be fun and amazing. They will probably run their course and you will want more gifts next year. 

You are the gift. Open yourself and find a lifetime of stimulation, amusement, satisfaction, amazement, and ultimately lasting fulfillment.

You got what you wanted. You are what you wanted. 

With love. Happy Holydaze!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

52 pickup

You are a deck of cards. When you play  one aspect of yourself, remember that you are still the whole pack. If we play a card or two more often than the others, we might forget that we are more. Often, the more used the card, the easier it is to pick from the deck, so the more often that number may come up.

Who is dealing the hand? Who is playing the hand? In your game, what are your rules? 

And remember, as you play your cards in this game of life, we are all playing with a full deck. We all have a full deck. There are no partial decks.

So when you wonder about the cards you were dealt, or if you don't like your hand, keep playing. There's a whole pack available to you.
