why do we want to quiet the chatter? focus? get calm? What's wrong with eating while standing up folding laundry, paying bills while talking on the phone?
Have you ever noticed that we do these things while doing something else, like eating for example, and while eating that piece of toast, you think of something you need to get upstairs before you leave for work. So you are stuffing the last bite of toast in your mouth, while clearing your plate, and maybe picking up and glancing at a stray piece of mail, and the minute you swallow the toast and start to walk upstairs, you totally forget what you needed up there.
Maybe all this multi-tasking is confusing our brain circuits somehow. Just like adrenaline doesn't distinguish between good stress (excitement) and bad stress (fear), maybe over time all this multi tasking creates these random associations of brain waves and memory. Instead of blending all these activities together as one big, long, continuous, never ending project that has no end (oh - did I already say that?), if we differentiated eating (as a project), washing the plate (as a project), folding the laundry (as a project), and then gathering things up for work (as a project), we might not lose our train of thought as we swallow the last bite of toast. Maybe what we needed upstairs, our memory associated it with the toast somehow, and when the toast was gone, so was the thought.
So if we focus on one thing at a time, we associate all aspects of that one thing, with that one thing; eating toast and i'm eating toast. do i even like toast? yes, i believe i do, glad i'm eating it, chewing it, swallowing it and taking a moment to feel whether i'm full, satisfied, or incomplete, then I get to understand and experience toast eating, and not have it be a place to hang yet another to do item or list. Perhaps we wont lose our train of thought, since all the cars on our train will be going in the same direction at the same time. And when we arrive, and it's time to shift trains, maybe we'll remember which one we need to board next in order to get to our destination in the most efficient manner possible.
Just a thought on my train. wooooo woooooooo!
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