Monday, January 14, 2013

Blocking Part 2 - practice with pads on

Let's look at blocking from a point of view of denial. When we block out our "bad" memories, it's as if we are practicing not remembering who we really are.

We are actually practicing not embracing our wholeness. We want to run from those experiences and memories that were/are painful. We want to pretend they never happened. We practice forgetting. We practice forgetting who we really are. We practice forgetting our Wholeness.

The more painful the memory, the more we want to block it, so then what? It doesn't go away. By blocking, we are now unconscious as to how that memory is shaping our current choices, our current reality, the way we see the world.

This is not to say that we need to rush into the remembering. But know that remembrance is what we are all about. Remembering who we really are. And that includes the parts we don't want to see. And those parts can hold keys to why our life is the way it is. And at some point down the line, we want to call ALL parts of ourselves, even those crappy memories, back home. That is why it is so important to take the charge off the memories. They are only memories after all. They've already happened. They are in the past. By remembering, we aren't physically there. By making them "bad" or "wrong" we give them some sort of power or dominance over us. We give that part of our mind the upper hand. Because it was that part of our mind that might have saved our life at the time. But that time is not the present time. But we forget that and go back to the past - how it felt, how it smelled, how it tasted, what we heard, what we saw. All re-runs, yet we experience it as if it were the first time. We must remember that we are present. It just that darn abhinivesha (fear of death/loss) that actually keeps us in the past. That keeps us believing that we are not who we are. That keeps us in the dark so we forget, and by blocking, we practice this forgetfulness. We practice losing our memory.

So why practice forgetting when we are here to remember?

We can practice with the pads on, but at some point, the gloves must come off. Ok, so i'm mixing a metaphor, and in the end, it's all about our own nakedness. Pads, gloves, whatever...

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