Sunday, January 27, 2013

cold hands, warm heart

that about sums it up right now.
taking advantage of internet connection, which has been awesomely available here btw, my fingers clumsily type as i watch the screen through my breath and the smoke in the air.

because of the auspicious bathing day yesterday, it seems that the number of people at kumbha mela has increased, and therefore, the number of people burning things (puja- worship ceremonies, trash, etc...) has increased. It's colder today and the moisture in the air is holding the particulate closer to the ground. so yes, it feels like home when there is good old fashioned california forest fire.

we leave the allahabad campus tomorrow, and then i don't know how internet access will be. I am scheduling a few posts to post just in case i can't get an up-to-the-day entry, and since i'll be in khajuraho for the remainder of my stay, i don't know how the blogging will be.

boy, it feels like i'm saying goodbye or something! and i'm not.

before i left, many people asked where i was going, what i'd be doing here, and why i was going. the answer i gave was, "i don't know, i'm just going."  And all i can say is, that has served me well. Early in the trip, we coined the phrase "Don't know - just go" meaning that we don't have to know all the ins and outs of everything we do, and here in India, the need to know details, specifics, schedules, can set one up for a lot of suffering, because it just doesn't work that way. That hard core "i need to know" can be a burden and cloud the present moment experience of what is happening right in front of us. Trusting that we are all in the right place at the right time no matter what can be a life practice in and of itself. And what a rich practice it is.

"dont know - just go" is about letting go of the intellectual need to reason. the need to make a "rational" decision. Instead, we develop our other "know" muscle. the muscle of "knowingness." That unexplainable gut response. Developing the "jatha vedas," or the inherent intelligence of the body at the   naval center is a key to that knowingness. A different kind of core conditioning.

so  instead of burdening oneself with hundreds of crunches, why not put some of that energy into developing the "knowingness" muscle?

the result of that practice is an increased sense of acceptance, fluidity, and ease as we surf through the internet of our life. or the sea of our life. whatever life you choose to relate to.

so this entry started with a cold hands, warm heart idea. and instead of knowing where it was going to end, i let it flow into don't know, just go.

but don't take my word for it. flow at your own pace, and start by observing the difference between "the need to know" and "knowingness."

And join me for jatha vedas bootcamp when i get back.

warm hugs from my heart

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