Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blocking Part 3 - maybe it's a playoff thing

So by blocking, we are keeping ourselves from seeing our whole Self. And that can affect our heart.

Like grief. It can weigh heavily on our heart and we want to block it. So release judgements on that heaviness of grief.  It takes as long as it takes.

And then when someone tells you what an idiot you are for dwelling in your emotions, don't judge that either. It might knock you off the trajectory and get you back on a track that feels better.

"Going through it" doesn't mean getting stuck there. Doesn't mean forcing yourself to feel whatever it is for longer than you need, based on a sociological  idea of what a sensitive and good person would look like.

So honor your process, but don't make your process your God. Make it your process that gets you to your God. Your Self. Your Truth. Your Essence. Whatever word works for you. Or don't use a word. Like blocking.


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