Monday, December 24, 2012

The Eve of Our Savior

Our Savior.

Well, yes, Jesus would most likely be the first name that came into your mind even if you aren't Christian, cuz, well, it's out there. But as we know, Saviors can come in all shapes and sizes, so will the REAL savior please stand up???

that would be YOU! You are your own Savior. And it's not blasphemy because 1) it's true and 2) even Jesus said something like "you will do greater works than I." (So how are we doing with that one?)

Yes, you are the light that you seek.
As my teacher Dennis said numerous times: "it's never outside of yourself."

And then let's look at how we're doing with Jesus' endowment to do greater works than he did. And some would say he knew what he was talking about. Some would say it's gospel, even. So how about for 2013, we consider the ramifications of that statement. And it doesn't matter if you're christian or not, cuz regardless of whether you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God (but hey, aren't we all?), the dude had it going on, and his thoughts are worth considering.

Merry Eve of You

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