Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Roto Rooter for my brain
and away goes trouble
down the drain
Roto Rooter

I made a note to self (small s intentional) to avoid writing about snot again. Well, here it is.

Since the weekend I've been on the edge of something. Something like a cold or flu. It's been presenting with the itch of allergies and the sore throat of swollen glands. And the snot. Oy vey! Today in snot gate 2012 on the 12th, snot is reduced and nose is pretty far. But the point of this isn't the physical symptomology. It's how I feel.

I feel drained. Empty. Yet the mind churns on. And when it comes to blogging or doing anything that requires a sharp mental capacity, it's like I've run out of gas.

I'm thinking its the big purge before the khumba mela. Or the cleansing before the end of the world in 12/21/12. Or a simple cold. But whatever it is, the effect is fascinating. After all the snot, the drainage, that's how I feel. Drained.

The answer to that? Omg there are many!
1. Throw a pity party
2. Enjoy it
3. Write a blog about it
4. Try out a bunch of new herbal remedies
5. Observe it
6. Study it
7, draw conclusions
8. Or not
9. Move on
10. Or something else

What I do know, is that by the end if the day, it's been hard to get words on the page, which is why I'm writing now. Before I empty more of me.

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