Thursday, December 20, 2012

End of the world

December 21, 2012. The end of the Mayan calendar. Was it calculated? Did they run out of writing materials? Were they predicting it based on their current consumption of natural resources, life expectancy, disease, crop failure due to global warming?

I remember as a kid, even though it was just last year, how far away it seemed. For people of my age group, it seemed like, yeah, we'd all be practically dead anyway, so the whole end of the world thing was plausible. I believe one of my sister's, who is in Belize right now, doing the Mayan thing (her birthday is tomorrow) locked into this idea and lived her life as fully as possible. Risking all for whatever moment there was. Losing it all. Winning big. The whole thing. Her life could be a movie.

And just as that date loomed throughout her life, affecting her choices, decisions, etc... I think that for many of us, it has subconsciously been at play as well. And now that day is here. Tomorrow. From where I sit, 3 hrs actually. My husband confirmed that his friends from Australia are still alive, so it seems we are in the clear. But are we? Doesn't everything center around California and the Pacific Time Zone?

Let's just say for a moment, that things would evaporate at midnight. Did we live the lives we wanted? What didn't we do that we wanted to do, because "work" and "real life" got in the way? Just like some people who get the scare that they might have a terminal disease, we have the opportunity to take a good hard look at our choices. If I were to die, what would i regret not doing? What choice do I wish I made instead of the one I actually made? Would I be happy I ate one more salad? For some, the answer would be a resounding YES! For others, a definite no. Just pointing out that there are no rules here. Our relationship with ourself and our life - well, it's personal to us and there is only one set of rules that apply: your inner voice of truth.

So let's look at the end of the world, not as an end to our physical existence, but as an end to the world as we know it. And know that the world as we know can end in a heartbeat (or from a lack of a heartbeat), but each day, each moment, we have the opportunity to have the end of the world, and make a new world.

A brave new world? Huxley got it right with the title, that's for sure.

Make your own brave, new world. Or whatever it is that you want. and remember - tomorrow never comes. So from that point of view, the end of the world won't come tomorrow...

But seriously, choose joy. Choose fulfillment. Choose whatever it is that makes your butter melt.


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