Sunday, December 16, 2012


It's been feeling a bit thick and heavy lately. And no, I'm not talking waistline, but if the shoe fits... Or should I say belt... And not everyone may be feeling it right now, which is fantastic, because god knows, someone has to be the cheery voice, just like someone has to be the dreary voice. And most likely, we've played both roles.

As the snot has gone from watery and abrasive, to thicker and now just plain sticky, it's as if we can feel a heaviness around our heart settling in our lungs. And please don't jump to conclusions about "why" it's happening, and what is causing this heaviness. Sometimes we just feel stuff, whether it's from our conscious past, our unconscious past, or from somewhere else. It doesn't matter. The big question is, can we allow ourselves to be OK with the phases of life, and not take them personally? It's our relationship to the heaviness, to the congestion, to the metaphors...

We can attribute this feeling to many things:
We just had 12/12/12
or not
The end of the world is coming
or not (you can put one of these after each item on the list - or not!)
it's the holidays
it's raining
family stuff
unrequited dreams
unmet expectations
lots of thought forms out there

yes. all excellent reasons.
But ultimately the real reason is that we love.

And sometimes, as we build our capacity to love more than we did before, there are moments that may feel heavy and thick.

So if snot is really uncried tears, then let us cry for all of it because we are all of it. Heavy, light, happy, sad, scared, fearless, etc... and let us cry to lift the snot off of our hearts so we can find the light inside the cave of the heart. the light that knows no sorrow. That is the best decongestant ever.

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