It's a mystery. All the wires are plugged into the correct sockets. The device is seen by the computer, then not seen by the program, ironically called Logic. It's not logical.
It's this weird dance between trying to simply everything, but the simplification process has it's own set of complexities which then bring up the question - would it have been simpler to stick with the status quo? Probably. And the payoff? Who knows. Did the status quo have the potential payoff that the new system claims to have? Do i want change for change sake? Is Logic really all that? And why doesn't a piece of equipment that appears to be electronic move seamlessly between 2 different computers? is my firewire solo monogamous? Does it prefer Digital Performer because that's what it's used to? Is my Macbook Pro sabotaging this relationship? Is my G5 jealous, and has it threatened the MBP and told it to find it's own audio interface?
Relationships play out everywhere. And those things we deemed "inanimate" really inanimate? Have we thought that we are so superior to these things made of wood, wire, metal, plastic? Are they finding their voice? Are they mad as hell and don't want to take it anymore? Do they feel taken for granite - i mean - for granted? And----- bum bum bum ----- what about Naomi?
Stay tuned til next time to find out if the plumber has really come to fix the sink.
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