Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Another 365

Happy New Year and Day 1 of the revisit to the 365 Conversations game. It’s been quite some time since I’ve blogged consistently in this format, and I am inspired to do this 365 consecutive days in a row once again. My “intention” was to start on Jan 1, 2018 - in numerology a number 4 - to start building a new foundation for a very different year, not that there was anything empirically wrong with my “last year.” Last year felt like a turning point, a starting over. This year feels like clear movement with a clearer focus, more honesty (#gethonestfaster).  

Back to my “intention.” Yesterday I felt thick and sick. Cough, cold, achy joints, the whole bit. I’m leading a retreat with my teaching partner in Mexico. We were up late on New Years Eve doing a full moon ceremony, and quite frankly, although I was inspired to write, I couldn’t muster the energy. So instead of saying, “well, I blew it! I didn’t start on New Year’s Day, that dilutes the energy so why do it? what’s the point of all of this anyway,” I got out the keyboard and started plunking out this blog, right here right now, on the morning of Jan 2, 2018 in Tulum. I still have the cough and cold, but I”m feeling better, so no time like the present because time and space only exist on this dimension anyway! In other words, it’s not too late!

So as we look at those New Year’s intentions, or resolutions, resolve every day. Start every day. That way you take it one day at a time and you lower the chance of dissappointing yourself or feeling like you’ve failed yourself. You are your Self. And that’s pretty great.


  1. Looking forward to these! Wishing you powerful manifestations for this new year! Sending love 🙏🏽!
