Monday, January 8, 2018

Rain of Willingness

Woke up this morning to my "first day" of the year. It feels like Day 1 because it's the day I go back to work. Back to classes, privates, marketing, planning, etc...  And I woke up to the rain. When I hear the rain, I remember the story that Pandit Rajmani Tigunait shared with us about the Rain of Willingness. The rain that dissolves our resistance. The rain that dissolves our ego. Dennis Adams also talks about the rain, water, and the presence of Masters. So when I woke up to that sound, that feeling, that Presence of a steady rain, I felt supported in a doing a new year differently. I felt even more attachments drop. I felt even more connection and magic. So I'm lowering my expectations to the ground, knowing that my Willingness to do it differently will take me into new waters. Maybe sometimes it may seem like I'm up a creek without a paddle, but maybe I don't need a paddle all the time. Maybe sometimes not paddling will take me to a new place in a new way.

Hydrate with Willingness today. Drink in that which softens and melts our ego and attachments. Who knows what you might find without that coating of "have-tos." 

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