Thursday, January 25, 2018

No is the New Yes

Warning: If you are a person who already says NO all the time, then this may not apply. 

No is the the new Yes. Or at least it can be.

If you are a person who habitually says "yes" to others, and you find yourself tired, worn out, and depleted on a regular basis, then for you, "No" is your new "yes."

When you say No to someone asking you to do something, join something, head something, organize something, you are saying YES to yourself. Yes, to considering whether or not it's something you really want to do. Yes to doing it differently. Yes to discovering more of what feeds you, and that NO (which is your new Yes),  can give you more energy to say yes to others so you don't deplete yourself.

Remember that when you are saying YES to something, you are saying NO to something else. So when you say NO to something, you are saying YES to something else. And once you make a decision, you can always change your mind...

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