Thursday, January 11, 2018

Truth Be Told

As many of you know, I do a yearly hashtag. Last year's hashtag was #gethonestfaster. And it was so good, I'm bringing it back next to this year's #doitdifferentlyin2018.

#GetHonestFaster -- in class this week, I talked about getting honest faster and truth telling - to YOURSELF. Start at home. Tell yourself the truth about your Self. What do I want? What do I really want? How am I feeling? How am I really feeling? Am I willing to do something differently? If so, what am I really willing to do? Or am I using the constructs and ideas of what I think I "should" be doing, according to some other authority, like an online quiz or self-help book, as the basis for what I think I am willing to do differently?

So hashtag getting honest faster is a way to help you #doitdifferntlyin2018. Because you will be more accurately assessing what it is you are really willing to do, and not do. And once you've told yourself the truth about that, we can really begin to move the mountain that has seemed like an unsurmountable obstacle all these years, all these New Years, all these New Years Resolutions.

More on truth telling to come. But in a nutshell, start telling yourself the truth, about your Self. Start there. Don't worry about the Others. For now. Practice on yourself and develop those truth telling chops. Can I tell myself the truth with Love? With a real curiosity? With a real willingness to Know? Or am I using the excuse of "truth telling" to beat myself up? To reinforce my addiction to my own pain and story? To prove to myself that I'm not worthy of the change I seek? That might be something to be truthful about.

Just sayin...

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