Sunday, January 7, 2018

Do it Differently in 2018

We got back from the Mexico retreat in the wee hours this morning. In bed by 2am. I haven't been "home" since before New Years. Waking up this morning, I felt different (the retreat worked!). I feel different. So now it begins - doing 2018 differently. There is a palpable shift inside, and although I don't know what it all means and looks like, I will be paying attention. I am on the lookout for how to  do it differently this year. Not that there was anything wrong with how I did it last year. Like the Universe, I'm just evolving, so why not pay attention to that?

Co-leading an amazing transformational New Year's retreat from Dec 29-Jan 6 was a total reboot - more than I thought. It probably helped that I had a cough/cold/flu most of the time, which made me do the retreat differently as well. More about not doing. More about allowing. Surrendering into trust and knowingness. Taking care of what is needed in the moment, whether that was me saying "no" to going on an excursion in favor of resting, or being honest and in present moment about my daily choices, and observing my thoughts and actions.

So here we are, back at the ranch, home on the range, with a clean slate. I feel a depth about how to approach this new project "Jean in 2018," and I know that cultivating more relaxation is a part of the through-line. And other things that I'm not publicly sharing right now. And they will unfold no matter what because life happens, more happens.

So for today, how can I cultivate more willingness to be open to staying out of my old habits, old thought trajectories, old hamster wheels, and spend more energy surrendering my pictures?

Let go. Just Know.

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