Monday, November 12, 2012

Inertia Part 1

We want something. We get it. Or not. Some things come easy, others not so much. We can keep this in mind in regards to our yoga practice, or our New Years Resolutions. Much of the practice that we do, deals with overcoming the resistance, the inertia that stands between us and the goal or desired outcome.

If we are trying to move a piano down the stairs, it’s going to take a lot more preparation and will and determination than it will be to take an iPod down the stairs. In our yoga practice, we keep doing and practicing, and doing and waiting and doing and practicing, and at some point, we think, “When is this going to work?” At some point, if we persist, the piano moves. If we give up, we don’t know if the next push would have moved it. It might be one push away.

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