Saturday, November 24, 2012

Candy cane tree

We shook it up this year. Got a little bigger tree. Threw out the lights that haven't worked in years. Thinking we had no lights, went to lowes to buy some. So, a chance to do something different. It was an interesting exercise. I kept going back and forth- did I like the multicolored lights because that's what I've always had, or maybe get a single color? Was it a habit, or were they truly a preference? We looked at other shapes, colors, what did we want? Way too much time in there with this decision. But ultimately it wasn't about the lights. It was about being willing to stay the same and being wiling to change, and most of all, being willing to ask the question, "who am I now, and what is it that this me wants- not the me growing up, or the me that uses what I have, because its there and I don't want to get something new when what I have is perfectly good- landfills and all.

We have to be willing to take the time to do something different. Sometimes it takes more time because we may need to examine our preferences/habits to see what our current relationship to them is. And ultimately decide and go with it.

So this year, we got red and white lights and we made a candy cane tree. Do I love it? I don't know and it doesn't matter, but I do love the Whole and all that comes wir it. So here it is- candy cane tree 2012. Perfect for this moment.

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