Thursday, November 8, 2012

Designer Bags

The thought “I’m not worthy” is a crock. When we were born, we were innocent. Worthy. Deserving. What happened? What changed?

Our essential nature comes from a place where worthiness is not even a question. One of the Upanishads says, “From perfection comes perfection” and we came in, for all intents and purposes, perfect. I hear some of you saying, “ but what about birth defects, etc…  How is that perfect?” I’m not going there in this blog. I will gladly do it in another one, and if it’s of particular interest, feel free to let me know.

We are worthy.

At some point, we starting believing others who kept telling us, either by words or the unspoken language of action, that we didn’t deserve what was/is inherently ours. So we collected evidence of “I’m not worthy in a big pouch.” A swollen, bloated, inaccurate pouch. And this pouch came with a bunch of side products: lack of confidence, self doubt, and the thought that “I’m not lovable/loved.”

We were born to live life, but who can really commit to life with these weights of pain and suffering, as well as your basic killjoys and wet blankets taking all the fun out of life. (yes, I’m putting it outside of yourself for the moment, because this is often the state we are in). Yet something deep inside keeps telling us, “no, you must LIVE!” So what do we do? We balance those pouches of less than by creating pouches full of greater than, and “I’m beyond worthy so the world owes me” and other side products like the need to dominate and control, the need to sell ourselves as the “best” by making others wrong or inferior.

Then we carry these pouches around with us. Baggage. Designer baggage. Couture of baggage. One of a kind. Yours. Mine. No ours. No matter how good the baggage looks, its taking up a lot of room inside that mind of ours. Room for fun. And without the baggage there would be room for everyone. 


  1. I love the way this was written...sort of a symbolic style :)
    May I follow your blog??

  2. I'd love it if you'd follow the blog! Thanks OE!
