Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rant recant?

Not recanting. I re-read it and stand by what I said. But I will say that I did get a tad fiery in public.
And me, who preaches no right and wrong?!?! What's a reader to think? That maybe my buttons have been pushed at last? That I'm not as cool as you think I am? Or I'm not as cool as I think I am? ;)

Well, could be all of that. Or not. And it doesn't matter. My fire was motivated by a desire to hopefully publicly present another point of view, to challenge what may or may not be the status quo out there, because honestly, I have no idea who is teaching what. I just know what walks into my class.

The big question is, did my rant activate a "right and wrong" rant in you? It's pretty rampant out there, this bi-partisan mind, especially with the political climate being so polarized and elections coming up in November. How can we stay true to our current belief system and not have to make ourselves "right" and the other side "wrong?" Or our side "enlightened" and the other side "uninformed?" And in the big picture, these different Shaktis play out regardless, so perhaps it's clearer to stay detached - vairagya. Not apathetic. Detachment is being able to be in the polarized argument and watch the 2 sides play their part. Then to observe the outcome of what happened to glean a little more understanding at how things work. Not making either side right or wrong. Because hey, without that other side, we wouldn't be here.

Sometimes what we have to say pushes buttons and we need to be OK with that, or everyone will be in the trap of saying stuff we think people want to hear. And really, we don't know what people want to hear, so it's not for us to say. 

When I mentioned "ego" and "teacher" and "student" in the same sentence, I'm pretty sure some buttons were pushed, because the ego, when challenged, pushes back. It's not a right/wrong thing. It's just how it works. Keeping our egos in check is a constant thing. Like that adventurous child, just when your back is turned, it runs away and does it's own thing.   

As far as kicking up in headstand goes, I'm not a fan. As teachers, we teach to the best of our ability, bringing our own experience to the table. And the students are attracted to the teacher because of that teacher's experiences. So the rant was based on truth as I know it from my experience. And I know that there will be kicking up out there in the world. And that's fine. But not in my class.

This is not to say I wont recant in a heartbeat if someone can present a strong case for kicking up and I either understand and accept it, or test it then decide what I think. Yes, one thing you can get from me, is I speak passionately about the things I know that I know. And those who have been around me also know, that I believe everyone has their own truth. For me, I like mine best. For me. And when I find a truth that rings truer, makes more sense on more levels, expands my point of view, I say Yes! And evolve. Thank God. Seriously. I welcome these new insights because doing it all on my own is no longer my paradigm.

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