Sunday, September 30, 2012


Everything changes. Even change. The way things change also change. Things that used to work "no matter what" change. The challenging thing, is to allow ourselves to change effortlessly, even though the thing that we are changing was a huge part of our identity.

For example - diet. Many of us either consciously or not consciously identify with our diet. We have lots of judgments about the food we eat, how we eat it, when we eat it, if we eat it. Judgements about how we get nourishment. What it should feel like, look like, behave like. If I say, "I never eat such and such" and then one day I eat such and such and nothing bad happens, or I feel fine, or I feel really, surprisingly excellent, then what? All that energy (prana) we have invested into a thought construct - wasted! Like "whoops, I coulda had a V-8!" or  "I coulda spent me energy somewhere else!"

But really, building these mythical castles in the sky, whether they be our thoughts about diet, exercise, our favorite color, our dreams, activities, preferences, avoidances, they are just mythical castles in the sky and they are ours to build. And ours to tear down, and leave down, or even replace with another castle.

When I was painting, i would sometimes take a piece of art and paint the whole thing over with white paint - just to start again. wipe it clean and let go of what was "art" for me in the past.

Like diet. Or whatever. So confirmed meat eaters and vegans! Let's all join together in peace and harmony, knowing that in the blink of an eye, we could easily (hopefully easily) let go of our platforms and do the opposite if the Divine pointed us in that direction. It's challenging to let go of an old friend, even when that friend and you know the relationship is over. Sometimes it's just more comfortable to be   uncomfortable with the status quo, than to move on to the next thing on the menu. The downside with this is that it usually gets more and more uncomfortable until finally the sign from the Divine to "let go already!" is like a big rock crashing down, and that rock can take many forms. I'll let you use your own experience and imagination on that one, cuz no one knows better than you which of  those habits and patterns you are holding fall into the category of old friends turned into ball and chain, or stomachaches.  And I know what mine are. And sometimes we dance, and sometimes we fight, and sometimes we go to counseling, and sometimes we just know it's time to move on.

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