Tuesday, September 11, 2012

end of an era - part 1

I feel that we are coming to an end of an era. I don't exactly know what is ending, but the shift is happening right here, right now. It's as if a new paradigm is emerging, and has been emerging, yet so slowly, gradually, seamlessly, that if we weren't paying attention, we may not have even noticed that we've changed.

This is also like growth in our individual lives. Perhaps like enlightenment. Each time we have a paradigm shift, an awakening, a new point of view, a lesson truly learned, we are never the same. Yet, we may not notice the significance of the change. We may gloss over it, ignore it, even try to rationalize or talk ourselves out of it. And for what? To keep us fully grounded in the status quo? To keep us safe? To keep us from realizing how awesome we are?

Noticing the miracles, no matter how small, acknowledging the shifts, the wins, the growth, no matter how seemingly insignificant. All these add up to a big picture, a huge picture, a limitless point of view full of limitless possibilities. And the shift is - we actually believe it. And eventually we actually Know it.

The end of the era. It's been coming my whole life. Since the beginning of time. Each day, each moment, ends some era, somewhere. And when I find out what tomorrow has to offer, this era will also be over.

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