Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Who said life is fair? Who started that nasty little rumor, setting up all these expectations based on individual desires and preferences, making "fair" something that can in no way be universal, so how can life be "fair" since we share this life with other "fairs?"

And when did this idea that life is fair get started? I can't remember anyone telling me that life was, in fact, fair, and I should expect fairness. Somehow, based on what I observed, what I was told, values that were taught/modeled/emphasized, I came up with that one on my own. I drank my own poison as the thought of "life is fair" came from me putting those puzzle pieces together.

I will never forget one day sitting on the curb of some parking lot crying about something, and having a wise friend say "Jeanie, life isn't fair." She just said it. And I understood. Definitely got a bit pissed off because a whole bunch of my reality was based on "fairness," but I got it. Thanks Jess! That was a wild day.

So when life doesn't seem fair, or things don't go my way, the "fair" way, I remember that day, that life isn't fair, and that I am a part of all that life-ness. And somehow it just makes sense.

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