Saturday, August 4, 2012


Who need people. Well, that would be all/none of us. This past week or so, I've had the calendar of a social butterfly (although I seriously doubt there are anti- social butterflies, or maybe they are a colony of loners. Hmmmm) insects aside, socially I've been "out there." and it's been cool. More than cool. Actually fun. And even though I can curl up with myself and have a great time, there is an aspect to interaction that is quite special. So yes we are all fine alone, no one can make us happy and all that. That being said, there is just something fun about being with people, which is why we are all the luckiest people in the world, cuz if we weren't, we'd probably be in some other world. So alone, together, enjoy this people thing we have going.

"the luckiest people in the world." what were they thinking when they wrote that? Something similar to my thoughts here? Or something quite different? Or is that on a need to know people basis... Nice.

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