Saturday, February 24, 2018


Interesting that the "Moving" blog post had more hits than any other blog post to date. YAY! That means we are really MOVING! Moving on from past constructs. Moving more into Present Moment. Realizing that something inside needs/wants/is ready to move.

I've been one who has researched, lived, and experienced "moving for movement's sake." The emails, texts, and phone calls I've been receiving since the "Moving" blog have not been from out of balance vata, or from people who are seeking escape. The feedback I'm getting is that this idea of "moving" has been bubbling underneath and now has a format or "permission" to express itself, even if it's just the form of a question, or the nod of acknowledgment, or a breath of consideration.


Again, I am impressed and this time a smidge awed at the workings of that which we cannot name. Keep those impressions coming! More to come on this "moving" topic! Perhaps a more in depth workshop or webinar that will specifically address the questions, queries, and considerations that come from YOU! (which is me but outside of myself. and it's never outside of myself!)

Thank You.
So Much.

There is clearly something more that is happening.

So keep on keepin on, as we do  And.night. If we can remember the sleep state.

And RELAX! Relax. relax. re.lax. r. x.

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