Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Shoulda Woulda Coulda Test

Imagine today that you aren't the one moving. Imagine that the restaurant you wanted to eat at for the last 18 months is moving far enough that you'll really have to make an effort to go there. How much in the way of "dang it! i shoulda gone while I had the chance!" comes up for you?

Or a friend that you hardly ever see, but you take for granted and assume that you will be able to see them "some other time" is now going to move across the country? How does that affect you? Maybe it's freeing because you discover they weren't as important to you as you thought. Or maybe the opposite.

Or that class you wanted to take? Or that exhibit you wanted to see? Or that trip to the Headlands?

As life presents opportunity after opportunity (and the more abundant we realize ourselves to be, the more opportunities we see!), what choices are we making? Are we making choices from fear or lack that "maybe I'll never get another chance to [fill in the blank with that "new exotic thing" that you haven't heard of  or considered, or something else]" and we forget about all the "little blanks" that have been right in front of our noses, here for the asking/taking/experiencing, as we assume that we will always be able to go see them/learn from them/experience them because they are in close proximity?

When making choices, don't assume that everything will be around forever, and that some things that are right under our noses, could be the new/exotic/supportive, choice for us. IE - taking a job down the street. Walking across the Golden Gate bridge. Going to the MOMA. 

I know that I am a person who has fallen into this assumption that something/someone/some place will always be there and I'll get to it - WHEN I HAVE TIME. Well, it looks like an opportunity may have passed me by and I didn't act on, in spite of my Self telling my self to pick up the phone and make the appointment for the last 5 years! It may not be too late. The question is, will I throw in the towel, or will I use what time I have left before this person/place/thing is no longer in my "local commute" reality?

Whatever I decide will tell me a lot. It will tell me what is driving the bus.  It will tell me whether I feel worthy enough. It will tell me whether or not I'm ready for answers to my questions even though the answers may not be what I want to hear. It will tell me what people/places/things I deem as "important" (and some are very important! others - well...) and where this choice to act or not act falls on that scale. 

Will it be another case of the Shoulda Woulda Coulda where I'm left with "And I Didn't." And with the question, "Why didn't I?" 

That is the question. Why didn't I? It's a worthy question when seeking real answers and insights as it can take you deeper into the mystery of Self. Who/what is driving that bus? Is that the person or thing I want driving my bus? And is the bus going where I want it to go? Which takes us back to who's driving.

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