Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Day of Love

Valentine's Day. A day of love.

Are you waiting for someone to give you that "special something?" That "perfect evening?" The best sex of your life? The list goes on...


And if you are waiting for someone to give you that perfect day/evening/gift/experience, wait no longer! You know what it is that you want! Give it to yourself! You say it won't mean as much coming from you? Hmmmm.... Is your love worth less than the love that comes from outside of yourself? Is it "No Fun" because you already know what you want? So then perhaps it's not about the gift at all, but about someone slaying the dragon, figuring out the puzzle, loving you enough to "get it right" and be able to guess what's in your brain. If your dream involves someone else to "share" with, when was that last time you "shared" an experience with yourself? I mean, really shared?  Really.

I know it's Valentine's Day, and everyone is trying to sell you something. And I have to share something close to my heart, because if this holiday is less than stellar for you for ANY reason, then you need the LOVE LAB. Just do it. Come and learn how to really love yourself, and nourish, grow, and develop a loving and lasting relationship with your most intimate partner - YOU.

Just sayin...

Love is all there is. Why not love the one you're with?

Click here if you are ready for the relationship of your Life.

This could be the #doingitdifferentlyin2018 that you've been waiting for.

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