Monday, February 12, 2018

Is Life just one long to do list?

Sometimes does it feel like life is just one long to do list?

Well, if you think about it, it kind of is. Because that's what we are doing. We are doing the being on earth thing and that means we do stuff. And more stuff. And even more stuff.

So as we "clean out the back closet" (number 36 on my to do list), let's clean out the closet of our "to dos!" Ask - what do you want to do? - put a star by those. What do you need to do? - put an exclamation mark by those. What aren't you willing to do? - Delete those. 


Carry on. 

1 comment:

  1. Mmm love this. Was just thinking about how my to do list caught me recently. "It's a trap!" came to mind. Deleting to do's feels invigorating.

    Thanks for the inspiration and friendly reminder.
