Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Union and pies

Yoga. Union. In yoga, we seek union. But we are already whole, so the process of yoga is really more about heightening awareness. Becoming aware of what's already there. And what's already there is Wholeness. Union. Yoga.

We are already in Union, so technically there is no Union, just knowing ourselves as Whole. In Wholeness there is no separation, we are already part of the whole.

So here I am, a cherry in a mixed fruit pie. I weigh my cherry-ness against the blueberry-ness of my neighbor. I judge the density of the crust, the amount of sugar in my atmosphere. And no matter how much I think I am not part if this pie, no matter how many times I think I can make a better pie, I'm still part of the pie. I am the pie. The pie is me, and as a cherry, I'm not going anywhere. The is nowhere to go. I cannot leap out of what i am.

It may be challenging to stay with the pie analogy, because eventually it will transform into something else- it wil rot or be eaten. But the point is to feel the Wholeness of the pie. The inherent Union.

We are pies. We are the pie. And this is not some "pie in the sky" dream or wish. It's right now, as soon as we can really wrap our heads around what our heart already knows.

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