Saturday, October 6, 2012

Know it alls

Being called a “know it all.” We take it as a reprimand. It’s usually intended as a reprimand – something to put us back in our place, to level the playing field, to join the ranks of the ones who apparently don’t “know it all.” How did this nasty rumor get started – the thought that we in fact, don’t know it all?

Because we do. I don’t care who you are are what your deal is, we have all Knowledge inside of us right here, right now. We may have forgotten it, but it is still there. For example – if you forget someone’s name,  it’s not like you didn’t know it at one time, you just forgot. Then you are reminded, and you remember  and we say stuff like, “That’s right! I knew that!” because you did in fact at one time know that.

We are born with inherent knowledge. We created ourselves from nothing. (I mean we could get technical here and talk about thought forms and stuff, but let’s leave that for another day) In the womb, we created ourselves. We grew ourselves. And really, come to think of it, what’s different? We are still growing ourselves. For the first few weeks in utero, we made our own food. We were not dependent on our mother for our nourishment. We nourished ourselves. (so moms to be – drink up in those first few weeks! Lol)

We grew ourselves. We were the intelligence behind our physical development,  and with that physical development, we had to actually develop. Who taught us how to do that? Personally, I don’t remember someone or something handing me a manual in the womb saying “divide here, divide there.” It was from dividing that we became whole. The whole package. If we did it once, we can do it again.

So this business of knowing it all. What if one day you pretend, or act as if you actually do? Because we  do know it all. We just forgot. So when someone calls or refers to you as a know it all, say “I know. And so do you.”

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