Sunday, October 21, 2012

The shallow and the deep

Deep thoughts are great. They can inspire us to re-evaluate our lives, to become people who live with purpose, to help us love ourselves even a little bit more. Deep thoughts can be provocative, challenging our current belief constructs, guiding us into a bigger or at least clearer point of view. Deep thoughts are well, deep. I love me some deep thoughts.

But this isn't to say there isn't the possibility of drowning in the well of the deep. We can get so deep that life as we know it may cease to have meaning or relevance - existentialism perhaps? Or we can get so lofty with our depth that we forget that we still need to shop for groceries, forget that there are others living in the same house with equally valid opinions and world-views, and hey, those dishes aren't going to wash themselves!

So maybe a little shallow end to that deep pool? You know the one - where the kids play. There is something to be said for being shallow, for feeling, not thinking. For just living. Fully. I mean, what's wrong with the song lyrics "Celebrate celebrate, dance to the music?" Nothing deep there. In the moment of putting my hands together and singing at the top of my lungs with everyone else in the room, it feels pretty dang good. Pretty dang deep. For being o-so-shallow.

Sometimes i feel a bit of pressure to be deep in these blogs. self imposed of course. and sometimes i just feel shallow. so shallow, in fact, that I'm not even in the baby pool. I'm lounging by the side of the pool, (oh -pool boy!) not even thinking about getting in the water, or about getting in to anything at all. Just going deep being shallow.

I love me some shallow.

that's why i love me some life. it has both, and it always will.

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