Friday, October 19, 2012


what makes a good teacher? Is it the very cool way we get up into a fancy arm balance? Is it the way we defy the aging process and fool people into thinking that we are 10 years younger than what it says on our birth certificate? or is it the  ability to effectively inspire others to find their truth, their voice, their point of view?

I'd have to say all of the above. And one thing I know for sure, any student of mine, i hope to God and beyond that I have given you some provocative ideas to try, and that i've given you the freedom and support to test drive as many times as you want. It'a all about the test drive. What do we really believe? The more we  are in contact with that, the better, more authentic teacher we can become. And the more we model being comfortable in our own skins, well that effect can be extremely far reaching.

so if the brass ring seems to hard to handle, maybe take a couple of steps back, and see how it's all going

oh shanti

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