Thursday, October 4, 2012

Transmission preface

The space holds the information. Tomorrow we embark on Day 1 of the 500 Hr Sri Yoga Teacher Training module: The Art of Transmission. (100 hrs)

What makes for good transmission? Clarity. A strong signal with little to no interference. What makes us able to be good transmitters? To stay out of the way.

In order to stay out of the way, it helps if we are judgement free. That way we are not filtering the information and limitless possibilities through our own small point of view. That way we can provide a space for others to hear what they need to hear, not what we want to say to them, and in the process of providing others with that space, we create space in our own experience/bodies/minds to experience more that what we were before the exchange.

I learn so much through the transmissions of teaching. I am so grateful to have students. They are also teachers. Together, our differences make us more. Together, our Whole is bigger.

it's also highly possible that for the next 10 days, the blogs could be juicy. But that is based on the past. We shall both find out in the moment.

And thanks for joining me on this ride.

peace friend


  1. All of what you say is true, except the part about judgment. We are always judging, it is hardwired into us to survive and thrive. Should I eat that? Do I believe what he just said? Do I want to spend time with this person, and so on.
    What is we used the word discernment instead? That would shift the perspective, allowing us to remain hardwired for survival/thrival while taking the seat of the witness and practicing discernment.

  2. I agree what you are saying about discernment. When I am talking about "judgments" I'm talking about the right/wrong, good/bad aspect. What I'm calling judgment - is the stuff that keeps us locked into seeing/perceiving life from a dualistic point of view.
    om shanti Sarah!
