Friday, April 1, 2011

19. Ahimsa

Off the plane. Feeling the ground. I'll be heading for the water soon. Light breeze, moist air, wireless internet. Paradise.

A question was asked - how do you practice  [yoga] lightly? This was my response:

To me, practicing lightly is about finding engaged effortlessness in the pose, both physically and attitudinally. Also, paying attention to how the pose is entered and exited can add grace to the practice, making it more about the journey than the arrival. And to lighten up and not take everything so seriously!

Ahimsa is a big buzz word these days in the yoga community. Non-violence. Don't eat meat. Give peace a change. Organic yoga clothes. To me, they are all trimmings and trappings and ways to fool ourselves that we are living non-violently. How many times a day do we beat ourselves up in our mind? How many times a day do we refuse to take a compliment, or god forbid, pat ourselves on the back for a "job well done." How often do we deny ourselves food, sleep, and joy using "work" or "weightloss" or whatever as an excuse to run from the real violence? 

Stop putting yourself down. Now. Just stop it. Put it down! Start there. That is where peace starts. At home. At your real  home - your Self. It all ripples out from there.

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