Monday, April 11, 2011

27. a there and a prayer

Are we really halfway there? Are we really livin' on a prayer? Or a chapati in the air?

In order to be halfway somewhere, we have to know where we are and where we are going, and what physical indicator/sign/guidepost we need to see that we are in fact "halfway there."

But really, I'm all the way here. For all it's worth, all the way here, is a lot fuller than halfway there. And no matter here or there, I'm still livin' on a prayer, not only because I admit, I actually like that song and think that Bon Jovi is a hookmeister song writer, buy because life is a constant prayer. We can see each action or non-action as an act or non-act of the Divine. As a manifestation, physically or otherwise, of the Divine, because seriously, what the h*)) else is there? If we were made from some Thing, aren't we still a part of that Thing? If a mother bears a child, and that child bears a child, and that child bears a child, isn't the final child still part of the original?

Which gives me pause. Because that would mean I would actually have to believe that we are all Divine since ultimately the carbon atoms all came from the same place as the oxygen atoms, and everything physical is a combination of these different atoms, and when we go sub-atomic on their little molecular butts, we find that light is the basis of all those atoms, and it just keeps going and going down the rabbit hole which takes us to wonder land regardless because all we are really doing is wondering and isn't wondering a kind of praying?

So, we're halfway Where? But you'd better believe I'm livin' in, on, with, a prayer.

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