Thursday, April 14, 2011

31. All my bags are packed

and for once I'm not going to be up until 2 am packing!
Tomorrow I leave to visit Panditji at the Himalayan Institute. I'll be back Sunday just before midnight.

When I start going really fast, one of the best things I can do, is to slow down. I know it seems counter-intuitive, especially since ever since I was a little girl (not that I'm especially big right now) I heard "go faster!" What I couldn't do in speed, I did in finesse, complexity, smoke and mirrors, and inner turmoil so i convinced myself that i was going as fast as I was supposed to go.

Since I got home from Mexico, I have had a ginormous amount of things to do. Yesterday I got a tad fried, and today I said - I'm taking a break. I slowed down and when I returned to the computer with only an hour to do what could have been easily 2-3 hours of work, I completed all but 1 task. I slowed down, and everything slowed down with it. My mind was calmer, clearer, and I felt balanced, and from where I sit, which is in a chair right now, that's what yoga practice is all about.

I spend hours preaching to my students about slowing down and getting more, and I keep proving it to myself time and time again. Old habits can die hard, especially when it seemed like your life depended on them, but that, too, was just illusion. Our life depends on Nothing. We never die. So take a load off and pet your dog, eat some dinner, and watch J-Lo, Steven, and Randy on American Idol. Or pick something you like.

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