Wednesday, April 20, 2011

36. Riding the wave of beauty and bliss

Yes, I do love that feeling. Driving home tonight after teaching, I was having one of those amazing moments of being smackdab in the beauty of life on earth. I wasn't necessarily aware of how sweet it was until I felt moved to turn on the radio and find the jazz station - which hasn't been working for me lately. I found myself driving in the misty rain, and I could feel the sweetness of the sax's notes fall evenly over my being - similar to the rain falling around my car.  It was like I was hearing music for the first time - it was fresh and alive and I felt a sweet calmness to the core of my being.

so i'm inviting you, just as I invited the class this evening, to find those moments where you love being in your body, being on earth and acknowledge them. We have a tendency to take these moments for granted, which makes total sense, since in those moments we are experiencing what is truly the "ordinary." Those moments are closer to our essence than the ones where we are a slave to our physical bodily aches and emotional pains and mental madness. But since we have programmed ourselves to see life bass-ackward, we may need to acknowledge what we now perceive as "special" moments, too few and far between, of bliss, of One-ness, of contentment, joy, peace. When we get enough practice in putting our attention to the this aspect of our essential nature,  our "real" reality, we will start to experience life as it really is - waves of beauty and bliss, and less time feeling the weight of all that Matters.

And it's a yummy, natural, attainable place to hang out.

Let's party.

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