Monday, November 14, 2016

Psychic Centrifuge

In this psychic centrifuge of life, we churn. We churn to mix, to digest. We also churn to separate, discern, to differentiate so we can see what's in there.

I know that as the speed of this centrifuge has kicked up, it has been humbling as well as awe-inpiring to see what has been buried inside. We get an opportunity to see where our glitches and buttons and unresolved material lay dormant (aka our karmas). Also, we can see the past karmas (thoughts, glitches, buttons, material) and how they've digested. What I mean by "digestion" is that we have worked with the material until there is no longer an emotional hot button attached to the issue, and we are able to actually see the perfection of the situation. And when we can see our digested past, we can be less reactive in the present.

Because we have gone through the process of having and digesting judgmental thoughts, thoughts of hatred and rage, thoughts of victim and dominator, thoughts of greif, sorrow, doubt, we are able to better understand others when they have similar thoughts or mind-sets. We can actually see ourselves in others. Not from a place of greater than or less than, but from a place of understanding how they must be feeling/thinking, and we remember that we had to go through our own unique process to get where we are now. In this way, digestion helps us build our capacity to see a bigger picture.

And when that centrifuge kicks up, instead of freaking out, I've learned to get curious and start asking "why" until I find an answer that pulls me out of my little s self, and helps me see the Bigger Picture and perfection.

Why do you think what you think?
Help me understand
So I can better understand instead of undermine
So I can how I fit into
To the Wholeness of our situation

Churn to learn
As we learn, we churn
Yes, we may burn
But there is also water in the mix
As we create a solution

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