Monday, October 14, 2013

MInd is Willing?

The old saying "the Mind is willing but the Flesh is weak."
I beg to differ.

Did my arm on it's own accord force 5 cups of coffee down my throat? Did my body pin me to the couch and make me watch soap operas? Did my fingers glue themselves to my iPhone as I surfed for more apps?

I think not. My Flesh is an innocent bystander following the beck and call of my Mind. But my Mind is so masterful at smoke and mirrors that it thought up the old adage "the mind is willing but the flesh is weak" to get us to look the other way while it (the Mind) has been having it's way with my Flesh.

If my flesh is weak, i should get a gym membership. Then my mind has to actually get me to show up to the gym.

Mind exercise. Concentration - aka Dharana. Work it out. Your body will love you for it.

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