Saturday, July 28, 2012

technical difficulties

now when things don't go as planned, we can often blame them on "technical difficulties." Yes, and they a completely valid from a particular point of view. But then, who is our Master? Technology? When we give technology the power to make or break our mood, our day, our success or failure, our happiness, our sense of ease or struggle, then yes, we have adopted another God - another Ishwara - one who rules. So what will it be? My human-ness in one corner vs the machine in the other? My human-ness in one corner vs the traffic in the other? My human-ness in one corner vs my life in the other? Who is running who? In terms of mastery, who is the master? Me, or my ideas? Me, or my emotions? Me, or my past? Me, or my fear? Me, or my whatever?

clue: no right or wrong answers. just interesting to see what the answers are in this moment. Knowing that in the blink of an eye, or the turn of a cheek, the answers may be very different. And yes, they are/were/will be just right.

which brings me to the million dollar question -- why can't i get "on demand" on my TV without having to call the 800 line/technical support?

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