Monday, June 25, 2012

The whole thing: pt 1

Yep. Remember that old alka seltzer commercial? "I can't believe I ate the whole thing." then the person would take some alka seltzer and feel better.

Yoga is like alka seltzer in a way. Remember that one aspect of pain is not being able to bridge the gap between intention and manifestation. In other words- its fine and good to put it out there- the stuff you want- but the pain comes during the wait time. The time between putting it out there and getting it. And the longer the time, possibly the more pain.

Yoga provides us with techniques to help alleviate that pain. Kind of like alka seltzer. So until we learn to eat normally, or live without attachments and expectations, we have yoga. And btw- yoga can also help with "the whole thing." stay tuned for part 2.

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