Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More on Fruit

Surrendering the fruits of our actions –

What does that mean exactly? I bust my behind at a 50 hrs a week job I don’t even like and then I have to give up my entire paycheck? I don’t think so. Although, I think it might be even more difficult than that.

From where I sit, the Divine doesn’t want money. It doesn’t want anything. Except to watch Itself (and that would be us) grow and evolve. So where does this “giving up the fruits of our actions” fit in? There must have been a reason, since we find that concept crossing over into almost all religious dogmas (dogmi?).  I think it all boils down to “don’t take it personally.” Yes, that is one of the 12 Dennis-isms of Dennis Adams, Master Healer, who I studied with and practiced under for many many years, and when I say practiced, I mean really applied the teachings, such as “don’t take it personally.”  One aspect of that is obvious. Someone calls you a name or does something mean, don’t take it personally, cuz it’s never about you. It’s always about them. And yes, this works in reverse as well (when I do something mean, it’s never about them, it’s about me.)

So I dug deeper. What about taking success personally? What about thinking that I, the great and powerful Oz, is the secret of my success? That I, single handedly pulled myself out of the projects and into the house on the hill. That I taught the best yoga class ever, and that my students are the most conscious and enlightened of them all.  Those would be the very fruits of my actions that I am asked to give up. To not take credit for my success. To hand it over and give the credit back to that Higher Power, Steve Winwood’s Higher Love. My Higher Self. The Divine.

How do I do that? I don’t let my ego get all caught up in what I’m doing. I don’t base my identity on my accomplishments and failures. I allow myself to be a conduit for the Divine, accessing more of my “Dhi” aka inner Knowing, the part of the brain that makes decisions based more on our Sva Dharma (soul’s purpose) than on gratifying my senses and validating my ego. I’m not saying don’t enjoy the wonderful, delicious things that life on Earth has to offer. I’m saying that it’s about surrendering the ego for something larger. A better investment for my fruits. Investing said fruits in something greater than my ego fulfillment. Investing my fruits into my Self Awareness, evolving my Consciousness, and in order to do that, I stop taking credit for my success and give it to the One who made me in it’s image in the first place, so with that logic I’m basicially surrendering my fruits and investing them in Me instead of me.

And I’m all for a good investment. And I like fruit.  It’s a perfect storm. It’s a perfect day. It’s perfect. 

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