Saturday, January 18, 2014

When the world lets you in

Sometimes we feel left out. Out of sorts. On the outs. Out of ideas. Out of gas. We wonder what the world means, why we are here, and what's it all bout Alfie? We may even question our own existence. Why? Because we can. Winston, my dog, will never wonder why he is alive. He will never say "what's the point." First off, because he doesn't speak English, and second because he doesn't need to know. He just goes. With the hope that chicken will magically appear around the next corner. 

And there are times when we feel in. In like Flynn, in the mood, in the know, in style. The in crowd. In our bodies. In sync. This is when something has aligned inside, and when we find this alignment, it's as if the world lets us in. We see a bigger picture. We feel Her, Mother Nature, the Divine. We don't question our reason to be, because in that moment, which is the present moment, we get the present of not questioning, of not worrying. We get the delicious present of being. Being one. Being in. We let it it. We let it out. And they are, for that moment, the same.

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