Friday, March 22, 2013

Over thinking

Hmmmm...  Hmmmm....    wait a minute. er, uh,

I dont effin know!

But we do know. And you know what I'm talking about. Yep. Busted. Each and everyone of us. Here's my example.

I got an email from aDealio with those special groupons or whatever they are called, and one looked particularly appealing. It was for some spa treatments at a place in San Francisco. I went online and looked at the treatments and they looked wonderful. And the price was right. So why didn't I buy it right away? I had been thinking about getting some spa treatments to treat(meant) myself, and this groupon fit all the criteria and more. It was handed to me on a platter. So why the hesitation? 1) i couldn't decide which package to purchase. 2) i wasn't in the mood to buy anything 3) i wasn't ready to commit 4) i needed fodder for this blog.

We've all done it. The thing we've been wanting drops in our lap and we look at it like it'll either be there forever, or we talk ourselves out of it. Until it's gone. The groupon closed and the deal was no longer available. So now I'm sad that i didn't just jump on it when i knew it was something i had been wanting to do. We manifest things we think we want, and for whatever reason we don't receive, acknowledge, or act on the opportunities that we've created.

why not?
good question.

i think that we over-think. we start pro-ing and conning until we have lost our sense of truth behind it. the gut feeling. that sense of knowingness that we had in that flash of a moment, we throw water on it and start to doubt. then we rationalize what we think we should be doing, or collect evidence on what we think we think should be important to us, when actually, in that moment, the only thing that is really important to us is that we make the "right" decision. As if there was an outside judge. When really, we are the only judge that matters.

because when it comes down to it, and you have a choice to say "yes! i'll get the groupon for the spa treatment!" -- Do it! because i'd rather have the groupon than be bummed I didn't go for what i manifested in the first place.

when have we really ever regretted saying "yes" to something that seems crazy? when have we ever really suffered or wish we had said "no" to the thing that didn't make sense timing-wise, money-wise, etc-wise. All these creations are blessed events - like having a baby. No one is ever really ready, and there is no right time to have one. they just happen. Unless its one of those times where everything falls into place. But we usually say yes to those without thinking, because our rational mind can more easily accept the magic of manifestation.

So next time a groupon comes along for something i've been thinking about, i'll buy it. Or let it go - in other words, i won't keep thinking about whether or not to buy it. Like Heidi Klum says on Project Runway - it's in or its out.

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