Saturday, March 23, 2013

New Math


Tension + Tension = more Tension

Just sayin...

Seems obvious. But is it? We say we want to be tension-free, but do we really? Without tension there would be no spy novels, no theater, no art, no emotional music, no orgasm. Etc... We love tension for the release. We love that release. And sometimes the more tension we accumulate, the bigger the release, the better we feel. Of course, that feeling is usually temporary. Sing with me "you've lost that lovin' feeling... And it's gone, gone, gone, whoa oh oh oh"

We get addicted to that loving feeling, and because we associate release with tension, we seek tension. We pick fights to be able to scream. We starve ourselves to over eat. We cry to feel better. And there is nothing wrong with all that. Nothing wrong with wanting that lovin feeling. But maybe we are looking for live in all the wrong places...

How does this relate to math? Wait for it. Wait for it. (I'm creating tension. Setting up an expectation that if I don't live up to, you won't get the lovin feeling that you thought should follow the degree of anticipation, tension, that you've endured, only to end up disappointed and unfulfilled. So wait for it...

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