Friday, September 23, 2011


Crave crisis? Dig drama? We ask ourselves, why? isn't it because the deeper doodoo that we are in, the more we push our selves to that point of surrender. The worse it is,  the easier it is for us to let go of whatever aspect of our self, our attachments, our tendencies that got us to that point of perceiving crisis.

Perhaps it's not the crisis we crave or the drama we dig. Perhaps it's the feeling of letting go - the rush of freedom that we experience in the dropping of all the B.S.

So the question is, if it's the letting go, the surrender of old samskaras (impressions from the past that play out in our future) that makes us feel good, why not start there? This practice can start on the yoga mat or at the grocery store. Take a breath and choose to act differently - see what happens. If you like the result, if you feel the freedom of letting go, then you just saved yourself a big freakout moment in the future.

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