Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Cleaning for Inspiration

I had the best dream last night. I was commissioned to paint this really large inspiring piece for a woman. There was limitless budget. She wanted mermaids, colors, sparkles, swirls. She wanted to look at it and feel inspired.

This work was large. REALLY large. 2 large semi-circles that would connect. And I had a team. People who would be there to help me create and execute this vision.

What's not to love about that dream? As I've been spring cleaning physically, mentally, emotionally, I'm made some space. Space for vision. Space for inspiration. Space to see and know who I am now, instead of comparing myself to who I was or who I wanted to be.

So as I continue cleaning, I'm inspired to make space for inspiration! And I feel an immense sense of clarity from the dream. I'm no longer inspired to make "art for art's sake" like I was years ago. And just to be clear, I was extremely inspired ALL THE TIME doing it. But something changed when I got into creating yoga trainings and programs. That was my creation. And it was great. And different, And not creating art for art's sake.

Then I moved out of the community. One reason I moved is because I wanted space to create more. And after moving, I had the physical space I was craving,  but needed to clean out more space inside of me. I wasn't even aware of how much I had accumulated in the limitless space of me! So I kept cleaning. I started to feel more inspired. And now, here I am in a place where I still don't have a community to share my creations or offerings with, and the dream makes so much sense. I'm not into creating for creating's sake like I did in the past.

Now I want to make creations that benefit the not only myself, but others. I want to feel the support of community when it comes to these creations. I am not alone. Don't get me wrong - I'm just fine alone. I create great work alone. But what is inspiring me right now is to create not only create, but to have a place to share the creation to those who are interested, seeking, wanting the creation.

So even though I still vacuum, I know now that I don't want to create in a vacuum.  I move beyond into a new paradigm - creating that which serves the whole supports us all, and supports the creation itself.

What old paradigm can you vacuum out to see if there is a new one that serves you in this present moment?

1 comment:

  1. This site is really amazing and have so much helpful content for the people like me that are worried about their dreams.Thanks a lot. mơ bị mất tiền thì nên đánh con gì?
