Thursday, March 1, 2018


Boundaries. Are they just another "Wall?"
Are they for keeping things out?
Some people get resistant to the idea of setting boundaries for fear that they will be "closing themselves off" or "cutting themselves off" or "losing connection." And in some cases, that is true. And sometimes necessary. And like most things in this dual existence that we lead, there are 2 sides (at least!) to this story of boundaries.

Have we considered boundaries as a way to keep things in? Like your energy. Your sense of Self.

Perhaps if we think of boundaries as a way to honor, cultivate, or establish a container that holds our essence, we can see that instead of keeping us from connection, they can help us understand who we really are as we stop unconsciously leaking our energy/our sense of Self. As we strengthen our self awareness, we gain the capacity to see a bigger picture and make decisions that are clear-based instead of fear-based.

Healthy boundaries can help us differentiate what is "ours" and what is "theirs" and in examining the parts, we can have a greater understanding of the Whole.

So today, think about what it is you really want, and then see what kind of boundaries you are using. And if they aren't really doing what you want them to do, it may be time for a re-model.

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