Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Follow your bliss

Do what you love to do! Follow your bliss! Live your passion! Etc Etc!

All those little quips telling us to do what makes us happy. Why? Because, 1) if we do what makes us happy, we will be in a better mood  2) if we make a choice from our own volition that we believe might result in our own happiness, we are less likely to blame someone for the outcome and 3) when we get older, we won't have as many regrets, which will probably make us feel better about ourselves and how we've lived our lives.

So it may not really be about making choices that make us happy. But making choices that make us happy, could result in being happier. Depending on the outcome of those choices of course. And depending on our attachment to "doing what you love" "bliss" and "living your passion."

Or we can get in present moment and see where that takes us. Oh yeah, to the next present moment...


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