Friday, July 18, 2014

Sticking to chairs

One thing I had forgotten since my life in San Francisco - wearing shorts. And during summer, wearing shorts at a restaurant. And wearing shorts in a restaurant for lunch and getting up. And having leg skin stick to the chair. It happens fast this stickiness. And not only in the summer.

Stickiness happens. We get used to something. We like it. We sit in it. And before we know it, we have developed "stickiness." Not quite an attachment, but just enough of something that it hurts a little to get up. As someone in my yoga class said a couple of weeks ago-"I'm getting back to yoga after a few weeks.  Just ripping off the bandaid and doing it!" 

Stickiness. And thank goodness we have stickiness as an option, or stamps wouldn't stay on the envelopes. 

Just sayin



  1. Then it would be real hard to get our messages out!

    1. Thanks for the comment! Yes, it would be really hard, through rain, or sleet, or snow or hail...
